Friday, May 25, 2007

Katie and her Aunt Cathy

I really love this photo of me and my niece taken last summer when she and my sister Carolyn had a good long visit at the family home in Sherman Oaks. Even though it's blurry, it radiates love and joy, which is how I always feel when I'm around her or when she's on my mind. Katie turned sweet sixteen on the first day of spring this year. And we were very proud to fly up to Astoria in February when she starred in her high school production of "Dead Man Walking" as Sister Helen Prejean. Mwah!


Sage Mangeur said...

Damn those digital cameras!

k said...

"Cathy and her Niece Katie"

I really love this picture of my aunt and i. It was taken right after Dead Man Walking's last closing night.
If i had to pick a role model, other than my role model Sister Helen Prejean, i would pick my aunt cathy. She has overcome so much in her life that i'm truly amazed. And the things she has overcome she has been able to make them good. She's learned from them. She's an amazing woman and inspires me every day. Her sagacity is nearly overwhelming, she's intelligent, ask her about any book - she'll have read it. Ask her any movie - she'll have seen it. Ask her about any current event - she could tell you all about it. Shes incredibly mature......(except for the times when we're not making up pathetic stories about melting bunnies.....inside joke...and i think that immaturity is my 16 year old effect on her) But my point is, she's overall astounding. And i look up to her and she has always been there for me. She is my aunt, she is one of my best friends, she's family.

And i love her.