Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Ho Ho Ho Tux!

This is Tux, my mother's best cat ever, sitting on my bed near the Winter Solstice tree. Now my mom's had a lot of great cats, so it's saying something that even she admits that he's her favorite. Here he is dressed up with his Christmas ribbon and actually handling it with panache.

The winds died down enough for us to take a drive up to Mulholland for beautiful panoramic views that included the sparkling Pacific Ocean in the west. Now I'm back here happily contemplating which book I'm going to tackle! I did receive some of those on my list, most notably "Bridge of Sighs" by Richard Russo and "The Zookeeper's Wife" by Diane Ackerman.

Cindy very thoughtfully got me The Complete Annotated Grateful Dead Lyrics book! This was on my list a few years ago. Well, I say better late than never! Actually, she didn't even know I'd once had it on my list, and this makes it all the more special to me. And she loved the Emmylou Harris boxed CD set I tracked down for her at Amoeba Records. Of course I was tempted to keep it, but it really is so much more fun to give than to receive.

So that also goes for the crystal necklace I ordered for Katie from www.julietsdream.etsy.com. She loved it, as I knew she would, along with the Chanel Mademoiselle eau de toilette and the mendocino-green cashmere sweater. And love the pink and white scarf she knitted and gave to me, and the terrific Coast Guard sweatshirt that her mom, my sis Carlo, gave to me.

Okay, off to get started on a vegetable dish for dinner. The pile of books will have to wait, and anyway I'll have to finish "Away" before I start the next one.


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