Friday, March 13, 2009


Is that adorable or what? The year is 1971. The place is my Aunt Pholey's house in San Diego. That's my sister Cynthia on the far left, 9 years old. I'm the one in purple, 11 years old, my sister Carolyn (Cynthia's identical twin) is next in line, followed by my first cousin Patricia at 5, and my cousin Matthew at 7. My great grandparents were still alive and living in San Diego, too. Clearly we have all been on an Easter egg hunt! My cousin Lee sent this to me. Thank you, Lee. God does it take me back to the best moments of childhood!

And here we are again, only this time with our very much loved great grandma! She would have been 86 at the time. She lived to be 101 years old.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ha ha, look at us in our boots! Fantastic! Thanks for putting this up. What a surprise to see myself when I popped in.